ElleKhan Events

Momken Signs MoU With ElleKhan
Fekrkhan's "ElleKhan" joins forces with the incredible team at Momken to champion women's empowerment.
Check out the Momken MOU photos

RAD Entrepreneurship Forum & Exhibition KSA
ElleKhan connecting with the Saudi entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Check out the Exhibition photos

ABWA -FekrKhan Human Development Partnerships
FekrKhan joined the Alexandria Business Women Association in their 25 Year celebration event on October 26, 2023, and solidified their long-standing collaboration with an official signing ceremony of an MoU to strengthen development support for women in business.
Check out the conference photos

Supporting Women Entrepreneur Network (WEN)
ElleKhan continues to support the development of women entrepreneurs by engaging with WEN in on- and off-line activities for WEN members and mentors’ network

Women’s Circles
In an effort to create safe self-exploration space for women, ElleKhan launched in 2023 its exclusive women’s group coaching circles. We engaged with Alexandrian businesswomen in exploring stress management and introduced our “Ramadan Women’s Circles.”
Check out the Ramadan Circles Testimonials

Strategic Visioning – Group Coaching for ABWA
ElleKhan in cooperation with the Alexandria Business Women Association (ABWA) facilitated a group coaching to envision the future of the association and identify strategies for moving forward.

Egyptian Women Entrepreneurs (انتى)
Part of أنتِ Entrepreneurship -support FekrKhan delivered an entrepreneur program for graduates starting with a business innovation journey followed by roundtable discussions through mentorship and coaching.
In addition to mentorship to the entrepreneurs facing challenges through their projects.

Self Leadership (Marsh KSA)
FekrKhan was warmly welcomed by Marsh Saudi Arabia in their Khobar office. Our facilitator and executive coach, Basmah Osman, had the pleasure of exploring “Self Leadership” with nearly 90 representatives (in person and virtually) from Marsh’s three branches across the Kingdom e.

Oracle Women Leadership
The organizational impact of gender diversity and explored potential underlying obstacles to the inclusion and advancement of women!
Furthermore ElleKhan also shed the light on the impact of women in companies, as well as gender biases while working in the MENA region and the current obstacles for advancing women further in the workplace
Check out the photos

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU), Saudi Arabia
ElleKhan’s Managing Partner, Basmah Osman, delivered a mesmerizing talk on Self Leadership to PMU students and professors, hosted by PMU Battalion’s Club

Promoting Mentors’ Development for Entrepreneurs
ElleKhan continues to promote the importance of mentors’ development through knowledge- and skills-building for impactful mentorship relationships. Alongside our Mentors Development Program, we proudly participated creating awareness in the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2023 and look forward to engaging in the 5th International Women Summit in Cairo.

Empowering Women: A Strategic Investment for
Future Success
ElleKhan, Managing Partner, hosted a webinar in partnership between EnergyUP and Fekrkhan, exploring the significance of women in business. The webinar delved into several key topics:
1. Why and How Women Matter
2. The Business Case for Women Empowerment
3. Barriers and Challenges for Women Empowerment

Bridging The Gap to Success
FekrKhan celebrated Women's Day with Raya Holding for Financial Investments, presenting a special workshop titled "Bridging the Gap to Success." The workshop focused on self-leadership through a gender lens, addressing how women can empower themselves in the professional sphere. It aimed to inspire and equip women with tools and strategies to navigate challenges and achieve success in their careers.