Our Story


We ignite leadership excellence with tailored human development that helps individuals and organizations grow


The aim is to unlock every individual's potential, providing equal opportunities for growth, success, and meaningful impact in their lives and communities. This entails fostering an environment where everyone can thrive, utilizing their talents, skills, and passions to make a positive difference. It's about empowering individuals to reach their full potential.  

    Want to know what sets us apart

 Click here.


To inspire & empower people in the M.E.N.A region to grow personally, & socially through self-development & to help organizations & nations benefit from their talents and contributions


Our Values

  •      Motivation
  •     Growth
  •     Resourcefulness
  •     Intellectual Curiosity
  •     Passion 
  •     Fun   


About Us

At FekrKhan our passion lies in creating distinctive and tailored solutions that help you SHINE. We prioritize delivering results and refuse to compromise on the impact of our projects. 

We design initiatives for the psychological Empowerment of Women and also work on optimizing the Customer Experience (internal and external customers) through a systematic approach to establish & evolve customer-centric leaders and organizations. FekrKhan uses multiple approaches for the development programs including Coaching, Training, Facilitation, and Assessments.

FekrKhan Birth

 FekrKhan was born in 2012 out of the idea of great potential and inspiration to change the world. During 2014 FekrKhan became a licensed  Google MTa user which guaranteed an inspiring and interactive training experience that is full of interactive and fun activities. Coaching services were introduced at FekrKhan in 2017.  In 2020 the hybrid model was introduced to deal with the Covid pandemic, offering online solutions for both corporates and individuals. FekrKhan is expanding and accepting new challenges


Some Statistics

Collective Training Participants
Collectives Coaching hours
Countries (Egypt,, KSA, Oman, Dubai, USA,E.U, India.)